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The Center for the Analysis of Foreign Policy (CAFP) / Centre d'Analyse de la Politique Etrangère (CAPE) is a think tank dedicated to the promotion of the European Union as a leading force in international relations. Its analysis focus on European Affairs as well as on international events - The CAFP's vision - French Version - Serbian Version

If you wish to write an article for the CAPE or to support our goals, do not hesitate to contact us.


- War in Ukraine : what does it mean for Russian diplomacy in Asia ? (in French)

20th April 2022 : details for this academic conference here

- 2022 : Iranian politics and geopolitics (in French)

one day long conference on Iranian geopolitics, organised by the Academic Catholic Institute of Paris, 17th March 2022 

Didier Chaudet talked about the impact of Iran's inclusion in the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation) on Iran-Afghanistan and Iran-Pakistan relationships. 

See the program here

- The European Union and its neighborhood : an analysis 

Conference in French by Christine Dugoin-Clément for Alumni IAE Paris, February 11th, 2021

Video of the conference here

- "Understanding the Threat of ISIS in Central Asia"

by Didier Chaudet, at Chatham House, September 17th, 2019. For more information, click here

- Developing infrastructure for developing countries

A conference by our partner Cercle 18, January 29th, 2019. To register, click here

- "The relationship between France and Africa : what is at stake?"

A conference by our partner Cercle 18, January 29th, 2019. For more, click here

- "Fake news in international relations : the case of Ukraine"

French National Assembly, 3rd July 2018 

For more information, click here

- Conference by Cercle 18, one of CAPE's partners

"Why Malaria Still Kills in 2018", Dr Mégo Terzian, President, Doctors Without Borders 

Paris, May 15th 2018, 7 pm

To register, click here

- Conference organised by Cercle 18, one of CAPE's partners 

"Will we see the end of hunger in 2030? a analysis on Africa, a focus on Madagascar" (in French)

with Jean-Christophe Debar (Director of the FARM Foundation) et Thomas Ribémont (Président of "Action contre la Faim")

February 5th, 2018 at Dentons's Law Office, 5 boulevard Malesherbes, 75008 Paris

To register, click here

- Conference organised by France-Turkménistan, one of CAPE's partners

"Kazakhstan, young nation between China, Russia, and Europe" (in French); January 25th, 2018

With Lise Barcellini, independent journalist (France 24, France 5)

To register, click here

- Conference organised by CAPE at the French National Assembly 

Salle Colbert, January 17th, 2018

Title of the conference : "South Caucasus : Understanding a neighbor of the European Union"

The Journal du Parlement and Médiapart, in French, are giving a summary of this event 


- CONFERENCE CAPE - EU INFO CENTER BELGRADE: "Afghanistan, Pakistan: what they mean for EU and for Serbia"

13 December 2017

EU Info Center

Press Review of the Conference






"Regional dynamics and Strategic Concerns in South Asia" 

November 14-15, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Talk by Didier Chaudet : "The rise of China : the 'shift' from Geostrategy to Geoeconomics and what it means for South Asia"

Program here 

CONFERENCE AT THE FOREIGN SERVICE ACADEMY (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pakistan)

November 13, 2017. Talk given by Didier Chaudet, on : "The Rohingya Crisis : impact on South Asia"

Program of the conference here


"The New Silk Roads : Memory, Scale, Achievements and Perspectives", by Christian Vicenty.

June 13, 2017. For more information, click here


"China's diplomacy towards its West : Focus on Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan", by Didier Chaudet

May 16, 2017. For more d'information, click here


"North and South Caucasus : Geopolitical state of affairs and what it means for French national interests", Didier Chaudet, Editing Director, CAPE

February 24, 2017

For more information, click here


Our partner, the association 'France - Turkménistan' invites Pierre Conesa, to talk about :

"Saudi Arabia's Religious diplomacy in post-Soviet Central Asia : focus on Kyrgyzstan"

February 15, 2017

For more information, click here


January 24 2017, Military University, 18h-20h

"Post-Soviet Eurasia : a time bomb?"

For more information, click here.

- 2nd of November, 2016: Public Debate organized by EU Info Center Belgrade and European Movement Serbia on "development, freedom, equality and solidarity hand in hand (social cohesion)", with the participation of a CAPE member, Nicolas Bizel as representative of the EU Delegation in Serbia


- 25th of May, 2016 : Conference organized by France-Turkménistan, one of our partners

"The New Silk Roads: what is at stake". Speaker: Christian Lechervy, former French Ambassador to Turkmenistan, now France's Ambassador for the States' Community in the South Pacific.

For more information, see here (in French)

Consult here all the CAPE conferences

Latest publications

- Didier Chaudet (ed.), Asia and the Middle East : interactions in the 21st century, Paris : Orients Stratégiques, n˚11, February 2021 (11 articles in French, one in English)

- Read the latest book of our colleague Christine Dugoin-Clément : Influence and Manipulations. From classical conflicts to trade wars, Paris : VA Editions, 2021 (in French)


Time, for the Europeans, to see Eurasia as a priority, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚26, 2nd October 2022 (in French)

La Will war in Ukraine help or kill the idea of the need for a stronger EU?, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚25, 1st October 2022 (in French)

Unité European unity and eastern diplomacy : with the war in Ukraine, time for a realist turn in the UE, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚24, 4 September 2022 (in French)

Afghanistan and Pakistan : analysing Iran's eastern diplomacy, Didier Chaudet, les Grands Dossiers de Diplomatie, n˚69, August-September 2022 (in French)

France and the EU needs to focus on Ukraine & to oppose the possibility of a "Cold War" in Asia, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚23, 2nd August 2022 (in French)

Designing a non-imperialist Europe, and giving it a "Monroe Doctrine", Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚22, 1st August 2022 (in French)

Supporting the idea Europe as a power for the 21st century means opposing nationalism and the statu quo, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚21, 17th July 2022 (in French)

LesWhy the ones defending a powerful European Union need a strong need a strong Eurosceptic camp, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚20, 30th June 2022 (in French)

The French presidential debate and France's future geopolitics : underwhelming to say the least, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚19, 24th April 2022 (in French)

After the first-round vote in the French presidential election : a geopolitics analysis, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚18, 11th April 2022 (in French)

The conflict between Ukraine and Russia and the geopolitical debate in France before the presidential elections : the weakness of the notion of "clash of civilisations", Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚17, 8th April 2022 (in French)

After Ukraine (2) : should be build a strong "Little Europe" or a "Greater Europe"?, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚16, 6th April 2022 (in French)

The Russian army left the north of Kiev : what does it mean?, Christine Dugoin-Clément, The Conversation, 5th April 2022 (in French)

After Ukraine (1) : time to rethink French and European foreign policies, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚15, 30th March 2022

Ukraine : war in cyberspace, Christine Dugoin-Clément, The Conversation, 12th March 2022

Turkey, Iran, Pakistan : three pivotal states in the geopolitics of the Muslim world, Didier Chaudet, Diplomatie, 7th March 2022

Evolution of the crisis in Ukraine, Christine Dugoin-Clément, Revue Défense nationale, 22nd February 2022


Analysis of the situation in Ukraine, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚14, 22nd February 2022 (in English)

Geopolitics : time for France to enter the 21st century, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚13, 20th February 2022 (in French)

- Russia-Ukraine : the beginning of a cyberwar?, Christine Dugoin-Clément, The Conversation, 17th February 2022 (in French)

- Russia-Ukraine : is a war unavoidable?, Christine Dugoin-Clément, The Conversation, 27th January 2022 (in French)

- Why French diplomacy should not forget Afghanistan, Didier Chaudet, Alters Media, 5th January 2022 (in French)

France and its delusions of grandeur, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚12, 20th December 2021 (in French)

Are the Taliban ethno-nationalists or Islamists? An analysis, Didier Chaudet, Les Grands Dossiers de Diplomatie, 3th December 2021 (in French)

Lack of security, migrants, islam immigration, islam : against the average prejudices, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚11, 1st December 2021 (in French)

- 3 questions to Florent Parmentier, about Europe, 20th July 2021 (in French)

From China to Pakistan, is Ebrahim Raisi's election in Iran good news for Asia?, Didier Chaudet, Asialyst, 15th July 2021 (in French)

- 3 questions to Anda Djoehana Wiradikarta, about Indonesian foreign policy, 15th May 2021

Anti-asian racism, sinophobia, and geopolitics, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚10, 22nd March 2021

Geopolitical analysis in France : an intellectual indigestion?, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-Notes n˚9, 1st March 2021 (in French)

Articles blocked on Facebook : what does it mean and what are the consequences, Christine Dugoin-Clément, The Conversation, 23rd February 2021 (in French)

Three questions about Ukraine in 2020, with Christine Dugoin-Clément, 26th January 2021 (in French)

Huntingtonians have a new enemy : after Islam, China, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-Notes n˚8, 15th January 2021 (in French)

Donald Trump banned from social networks : what's next?, Christine Dugoin-Clément, The Conversation, 11th January 2021 (in French)

Pro-Trump riots in Washington D.C. : a European point of view, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-Notes n˚7, 7th January 2021 (in French)

Time to truly understand what Covid-19 means for us, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-Notes n˚6, 9th December 2020

"The Bureau" : a French TV shows that can feed harmful fantaisies, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-Notes n˚5, 4th December 2020

Europe needs to focus its support for democracy in its neighborhood, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-Notes n˚4, 29th November 2020 (in French)

We need to be Euro-realists, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-Notes n˚3, 22nd November 2020 (in French)

Terrorism : Conflans-Saint-Honorine, Nice, Avignon, an analysis of the latest attacks on France, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-Notes du CAPE n˚2, 14th November 2020 (in French)

Biden or Trump : do we, Europeans, have a dog in this fight?, Laurent Coligny, Bloc-notes n˚1, 3rd November 2020 (in French)

On the eve of local elections, Ukraine is more than ever on the razor's edge, Christine Dugoin-Clément, Eurasian Analysis / Brèves Eurasiatiques n˚5, 25th October 2020

China : its relationship to Iran and its reaction to the Abraham Accords, Didier Chaudet, Asialyst, 2nd October 2020 (in French)

Geopolitics and 5G, Christine Dugoin-Clément, The Conversation, 25th September 2020 (in French)

- Georgia's european destiny, Didier Chaudet, europorter.co, 5th August 2020

"Talibangate" (2/2) : what the scandal means, Didier Chaudet, Asialyst, 31st July 2020 (in French)

"Talibangate" (1/2) : did Russians really pay Taliban to kill American soldiers?, Didier Chaudet, Asialyst, 28th July 2020 (in French)

After COVID-19, a new Cold War?, Didier Chaudet, n˚15, GRPC19 (Groupe de Réflexion Post-COVID-19 / post-COVID-19 French Task Force, IFEAC), 7th July 2020 (in French)

Covid-19 : between miracle cures and conspiracy theories, the notion of "infodemic", Christine Dugoin-Clément, The Conversation, 5th July 2020 (in French)

The battle between Trump and Twitter : an analysis, Christine Dugoin-Clément, The Conversation, 28th June 2020 (in French)

Ukraine between sanitary crisis and political tensions, Christine Dugoin-Clément, The Conversation, 8 June 2020 (in French)

In Central Asia, COVID-19 could mean he end of the post-Soviet era, Didier Chaudet, Asialyst, 1st May 2020 (in French)

COVID-19 : how Russia changed its strategy, Didier Chaudet, Asialyst, 2nd April 2020 (in French)

Accepting our geographic destiny, Laurent Coligny, Notes du CAPE N˚38, 15th March 2020 (in French)

Afghanistan : is a peace process possible at last?, Didier Chaudet, Asialyst, 13rd March 2020 (in French)

South Asia and COVID-19 : a regional time-bomb about to explode?, Didier Chaudet, Asialyst, 28th February 2020 (in French)

Does Russia truly benefit from the tensions between Iran and the US?, Didier Chaudet, The Conversation, 20th February 2020 (in French)

Understanding "deepfakes", those fake videos made to influence you, Christine Dugoin-Clément, The Conversation, 20th February 2020 (in French)

Ukraine : what possible future for the peace plan of President Zelensky, Christine Dugoin-Clément, les Echos, 19th February 2020 (in French)

Tensions between Iran and Etats-Unis: what does it mean for East Asia?, Didier Chaudet, Asialyst, 17th February 2020 (in French)

- Art, fashion, and Facial Recognition Technology, Christine Dugoin-Clément, The Conversation, 13rd December 2019 (in French)

- Analyzing Central Asia, thinking of EuropeDidier Chaudet, Asialyst, 6th December 2019 (in French) 

- The Crisis in Kashmir and its consequences for South Asia, Didier Chaudet, The Conversation, 29th August 2019 (in French)

- The Muslim World and the Kashmiri crisis : why India is suffering no consequences for its policy so far, Didier Chaudet, Asialyst, 23rd August 2019 (in French)

Analyzing Christchurch : understanding the rise of Far-Right terrorism, Didier Chaudet, Notes du CAPE N˚36, 2nd July 2019 (in French)

Why neo-orientalism is a threat, Camille Legrand, Notes du CAPE N˚35, 14th June 2019 (in French)

What we can learn from the latest European elections, Laurent Coligny, Notes du CAPE N˚34, 10th June 2019 (in French)

France : is it possible to save the moderate Right?, Didier Chaudet, Notes du CAPE N˚33, 10th June 2019 (in French)

The new Ukrainian President's first steps, Christine Dugoin-Clément, Notes du CAPE N˚32, 1st June 2019 (in French)

What is neo-orientalism?, Camille Legrand, Notes du CAPE N˚31, 25th May 2019 (in French)

Afghanistan : is it possible to make peace with the Taliban?, Didier Chaudet, the Conversation, 6th May 2019 (in French)

What should be done if the EU cannot evolve into a true global power, Laurent Coligny, Notes du CAPE n˚30, 19th March 2019 (in French)

Ukraine's presidential elections, a high-stakes political event, Christine Dugoin-Clément, The Conversation, 5th March 2019 (in French)

Western and Eastern Europes : incompatible geopolitics?, Didier Chaudet, Notes du CAPE n˚29, 1st March 2019 (in French)

To transform the EU into a Great Power : a fight for one generation, at least, Laurent Coligny, Notes du CAPE n˚28, 15th February 2019 (in French)

After Rahaf al-Qunun's story : the need of a French and European "feminist" diplomacy?, Didier Chaudet, Notes du CAPE n˚27, 1st February 2019 (in French)

"Presidential" election in the Donbass : what's next after Zakharchenko?, Christine Dugoin-Clément, Eurasian Analysis n˚4, 1st December 2018

- Iran confronting terrorism (2) : is the "rally 'round the flag" syndrome truly a good thing for Tehran?, Didier Chaudet, The Conversation, 26 octobre 2018 (in French)

Iran confronting terrorism (1) : the feeling of a geopolitical encirclement, Didier Chaudet, The Conversation, 24th October 2018 (in French)

Openness but no tolerance policy against unruly behavior : when an Afghan refugee commits a crime in Europe, Didier Chaudet, Réforme, 18th September 2018 (in French)

Iran : how rivalry with the US makes bilateral links with China stronger, Didier Chaudet, Réforme, 12th September 2018 (in French)

- In 2019, a war against Iran?, Didier Chaudet, The Conversation, 5th July 2018 (in French)

After the Italian elections : lessons for France and the EU, Laurent Coligny, Notes du CAPE n˚25, 30th April 2018 (in French)

Chinese migrants in the Russian Far East : analyzing without presuppositions, Didier Chaudet, Eurasian Analysis n˚3, 20th April 2018

Russia and the Italian elections : an analysis, Laurent Coligny, Eurasian Analysis n˚2, 6th April 2018 (in French)

French Politics : UDI's evolutions, good news for French centrism, Didier Chaudet & Nicolas Bizel, Notes du CAPE n˚24, 5th April 2018 (in French)

- Understanding Russia's foreign polity towards the Afghan issue : a three-part analysis (in French) by Didier Chaudet for Asialyst : 

Afghanistan : is the Kremlin supplying weapons to the Taliban?, 15th February 2018

Afghanistan : Russia's choice of the Taliban and of a war on ISIS, 22nd February 2018

Afghanistan : Russia's strategy in Central Asia and towards the afghan regional environment, 2nd March 2018

A Russian solution to the Yemen War?, Didier Chaudet, Réforme, 2 March 2018 (in French)

Afghanistan 2018, chaos and the Taliban, Didier Chaudet, The Conversation, 14 February 2018 (in French)

Saakashvili's "adventures" in Ukraine : a political analysis, Christine Dugoin-Clément, Eurasian Analysis n˚1, 4th January 2018 (in French)

- 2017 : the year Russia reaffirmed itself as a Great Power in the Middle East, Didier Chaudet, Réforme, 22nd December 2017 (in French)

- Net neutrality in danger?, Christine Dugoin-Clément, Les Echos, 14th December 2017 (in French)

Does the Muslim world needs its own Luther?, Didier Chaudet, Réforme, 7th November 2017 (in French)

Tensions in South Asia : why Kashmir is important, Didier Chaudet, Notes du CAPE n˚23, 6th November 2017 (in French)

Central and Eastern Europe as part of the EU : was enlargment a mistake?, Laurent Coligny, Notes du CAPE n˚22, 1st November 2017 (in French)

Mongolia : Politics and Diplomacy, Didier Chaudet, Notes du CAPE n˚21, 15th September 2017 (in French) 

What could be Ukraine's strategy after ZAPAD?, Christine Dugoin, Les Echos, 9th September 2017 (in French)

Iran and its internal "War On Terror", Didier Chaudet, The Conversation, 4th September 2017 (in French)

Analysis of the last cyberattack and what it meanss for Ukraine, Christine Dugoin-Clément, Huffington Post, 30th August 2017 (in French)

Afghanistan : using mercenaries for war?, Didier Chaudet, Huffington Post Québec, 16th August 2017 (in French)

Russia : spatiopolitical diplomacy, Christine Dugoin-Clément, Les Echos, 12th August 2017 (in French)

Is America losing in Afghanistan?, Didier Chaudet, Huffington Post Québec, 8th August 2017 (in French)

MoDem, UDI, 'Constructifs': time to rethink French centrism?, Notes du CAPE n˚20, 6th August 2017 (in French)

3 questions about... cyberattacks, interview (in French) with Christine Dugoin-Clément, 5th August 2017

Russia in Central Asia: will Moscow lose its influence on its 'Near Abroad' in the future?, Diplomatie n˚86, June 2017, pp.47-51

The Centrist victory during Iran's presidential elections is no surprise, Didier Chaudet, Huffington Post, 23 mai 2017 (in French)

Another presidential Election, in Iran, Didier Chaudet, Réforme / Geopolitics On the Silk Road, 17th May 2017

How Russia could find common ground with Emmanuel Macron's France, Didier Chaudet, Huffington Post, 9th May 2017 (in French)

Using radios in order to influence : the French experience in Afghanistan, Romain Mielcarek, DSI, 4th May 2017

Emmanuel Macron :  a roadmap for a new foreign policy (2), Didier Chaudet, Notes du CAPE n°19, 28th April 2017

Emmanuel Macron : a roadmap for a new foreign policy (1), Didier Chaudet, Notes du CAPE n°18, 27th April 2017 

- Romain Mielcarek, "The Afghan Taliban : an intuitive rather than sophisticated influence", DSI, 20th April 2017

- Romain Mielcarek, "Daesh: from propaganda to influence", DSI, 15th April 2017

Assessment of Obama's legacy in foreign affairs (2) : South-West Asia (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan), Didier Chaudet, Réforme, 20th January 2017

Assessment of Obama's legacy in foreign affairs (1) : Central Asia, Didier Chaudet, Réforme, 20th January 2017

Asian Geopolitics : the need to avoid simplistic analyses, Didier Chaudet, Réforme, 23rd December 2016

Andrei Karlov's assassination and what it means for Turkey and Russia (in French), Didier Chaudet, Huffington Post, 20th December 2016

China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan agree on the Afghan issue (in French), Didier Chaudet, Huffington Post, 16th December 2016

- Importance of an ambitious French diplomacy in the Caucasus (in French), Didier Chaudet, Huffington Post, 9th December 2016

- After the elections : the French foreign policy towards Eurasia (in French), Didier Chaudet, Huffington Post, 1st December 2016

- No such thing as a "succession war" as Uzbekistan enters the post-Karimov era, Mathieu Boulègue, Registan, 8th September 2016

- NATO moves from reassurance to actual deterrence against Russia, Mathieu Boulègue, Registan, 16th August 2016

- In Crimea, rise of military tensions or a clever diplomatic move? (in French), Mathieu Boulègue, Huffington Post, 16th August 2016

Иран и Брексит, Дидье Шоде, 07/07/2016

The Brexit as a tool to support an independent Europe, Pavel Kowaleski, Notes du CAPE n°17, 28th June 2016

The Brexit and independent Scotland: how the EU should react, Laurent Coligny, Notes du CAPE n°16, 28th June 2016



Latest media releases

To follow interesting news not directly linked to CAPE, see our Twitter page
Christine Dugoin-Clément was invited to the debate organised by "C dans l'air" (in French, 7th April 2022), on the evolution of the conflict in Ukraine. See it  here
Christine Dugoin-Clément was invited to the debate organised by "Débat du Jour" (RFI, in French), on Russia's situation following the conflict with Ukraine
Listen to the debate here
Didier Chaudet interviewed by the French Catholic newspaper La Croix about the attitude of the Taliban towards education for young women in Afghanistan (23rd March 2022) : read the article here
Christine Dugoin-Clément was invited to the debate organised by "C dans l'air" (in French, 17th March 2022) on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. See it on youtube here
Didier Chaudet interviewed by Julie Gacon for the geopolitical show "Les Enjeux Internationaux" (France Culture, 10th March 2022, in French), on the terrorist attacks in Pakistan organised by the IS-K (Islamic State in the Khorasan) and the TTP (Pakistani Taliban)
Christine Dugoin-Clément interviewed par l'émission byFrance Culture (4th March 2022), on the cyber side of the Russia-Ukraine conflict
Christine Dugoin-Clément interviewée by Konbini News (4th March 2022) abour the  Russian nuclear dissuasion
Christine Dugoin-Clément interviewed by le Monde (1st March 2022, in French) about the article "Kiev ou Kyiv? Le dilemme des médias français" [Kiev or Kyiv? The French media confronted to Ukrainian culture and language]
Christine Dugoin-Clément interviewed by the geopolitical show "13/14" (France Inter, 7th February 2022, in French, on the tensions between Russia and Ukraine
Didier Chaudet interviewed by the show "All About Money" on the Hong Kong International Business Channel, on politics and security in Kazakhstan (in English)
Talk divided in two parts en deux parties : Part 1 here, Part 2 here
Christine Dugoin-Clément explained how Russia deals with information to the website inCyber, (21st December 2021, in French)
Christine Dugoin-Clément was interviewed by France Info about the tensions between Russia and Ukraine
See the interview here, in French (17th December 2021) 
Christine Dugoin-Clément interviewed by the newspaper L'Opinion, about Russia's capacity to project its influence (in French, 12nd December 2021)
Russia-Ukraine : should NATO intervene l'OTAN? 
Christine Dugoin-Clément debated of this subject for the political show 28 Minutes on Arte (3rd December 2021, in French)
Afghanistan : could we avoid one of the worst humanitarian crisis in recent History? l'une des pires crises alimentaires au monde peut-elle être évitée?
Didier Chaudet interviewed by TV5 Monde (17th November 2021, in French)
Can the talibans' Emirate be seen as a legitimate regime? Talibans : Didier Chaudet debated of this subject during the political show "Cultures Monde" on France Culture (1st November 2021, in French)
Internet as a Dictatorship?
Christine Dugoin-Clément interviewed by RSE Magazine (20th October 2021, in French)
Afghanistan ruled by the Taliban : could it be a diplomatic opportunity for Turkey? : Didier Chaudet interviewed by Slate (30th September 2021, in French)
Could France has an influence in the new Afghanistan? 
Didier Chaudet interviewed by the Club France Initiative, 18th September 2021 (in French)
Afghanistan under the Taliban : what does it mean for Russia and China ? 
Didier Chaudet interviewed for the political talk show Cultures Monde on France Culture, 31st August 2021 (in French)
The American army left Afghanistan : an analysis by Didier Chaudet for France Culture, 30th August 2021 (in French)
Afghanistan : who could support the Taliban? 
Didier Chaudet interviewed by TV5 Monde (29th August 2021, in French)
Afghanistan : the Taliban as a nationalist and nativist force? 
Didier Chaudet interviewed by TV5 Monde (27th August 2021, in French)
Who are the Taliban's allies?  : Didier Chaudet interviewed by the talk show "La Question du Jour", on France Culture, 17th August 2021 (in French)
Are the Taliban as ideologically unified as we think they are? : Didier Chaudet interviewed by Radio Vatican (16th August 2021, in French)
NSA : why spying allies?  
Christine Dugoin-Clément was interviewed by the political show 28 Minutes on Arte (2nd June 2021, in French)
From Afghanistan to Irak, the American renuncements (in French)
Didier Chaudet was invited by the radio show Cultures Monde, on France Culture, to talk about Iran-US relations related to the Afghan issue (5th May 2021) 
To listen to the debate, click here
Cybersecurity : an analysis of the targets 
Christine Dugoin-Clément was invited by the radio show Le Temps des Débats, on France Culture (24th April 2021)
Listan to the interview here
Why France is the target of cyberattacks 
Christine Dugoin-Clément was invited by "28 Minutes" (Arte, 19th February 2021, in French)
See the debate here
From Bichkek to Nursultan, the rise of the Chinese influence
Didier Chaudet was invited in this debate on France Culture to talk about Chinese policy towards Afghanistan (18th November 2020, in French)
Listen to the debate here
Health, ecology : should we fear the 5G?
Christine Dugoin-Clément was invited by the TV Show "28 minuts" (Arte, in French, 16th September 2020)
Watch the debate here
Technology : are we the "Big Five"'s Prisonners? 
Christine Dugoin-Clément was invited by the TV Show "28 minuts" (Arte, in French, 16th June 2020)
Watch the interview here
France Culture, 6th May 2020 : Didier Chaudet interviwed about the Afghan peace process (in French)
See the interview here
Covid-19 and massive disinformation : Christine Dugoin-Clément interviewed by the TV Show "28 minuts" (Arte, in French, 21st April 2020) 
To see the interview, click here
13rd February 2020, on Reforme (French newspaper), Didier Chaudet explains the impact of COVID-19 in Hong Kong 
Read the article here 
9th February 2020, Christine Dugoin-Clément talks about fake news on the French TV Show "C Politique".
See the interview here
"From Donbass to Crimea: stabilizing Ukraine's borders", Christine Dugoin-Clément invited by "Culture Monde", a radio show on France Culture (4th December 2019, in French) 
Listen to the interview here
"Ukraine's economy : where do we go from here?" : Christine Dugoin-Clément invited by the radio show "Eco d'Ici Eco d'Ailleurs" on RFI (Radio France International, 28/12/2019)
Listen to the interview here
Wall Street Journal : Didier Chaudet interviewed on the Islamic State in Afghanistan (26th December 2019)
Read the article (in English) here
Atlantico, 29th November 2019 : Didier Chaudet analyses the political situation in Afghanistan
Read the article (in French) here
Atlantico, 13th August 2019 : Didier Chaudet talks about Kashmir as a "geopolitical time-bomb" 
Read the article (in French) here
Vatlcan News, 8th August 2019 : Analysis by Didier Chaudet on the Afghan Taliban 
The interview (in French) here
Reforme, 29th July 2019 : the books on geopolitics to read in French, by Didier Chaudet
Read the article (in French) here
"Ukraine's presidential election : how dirty will the war for power gets?", interview for CAPE's specialist Christine Dugoin-Clément by Xavier Martinet for "Enjeux internationaux" (France Culture, 8th March 2019, in French)
Link to the show here
What the future holds for Ukraine : Christine Dugoin-Clément was part of the debate organised by RFI the 4th of February 2019 (in French)
Link here
Christine Dugoin-Clément was part of the debate for the show  "28 Minutes" (Arte). Title of the debate "France - Russia, is it a cyber-war?" (23rd January 2019, in French)
Link here
Didier Chaudet was interviewed by Diplomatie (IR journal)  (Dcember 2018 / January 2019, in French)
Title of the interview : "Afghanistan: Peace at last or forever war?"
Link to the journal here
Didier Chaudet was interviewed by Radio Vatican about the possible peace process in Afghanistan (30th January 2019, in French)
Link here
Christine Dugoin-Clément was part of a devate organized by the show 28 Minutes (Arte) called "Ukraine choked : who can stop Putin?" (28th November 2018, in French)
Link here
Christine Dugoin-Clément was invited to debate about the a participé au débat de France 24 intitulé "Tensions in the Black Sea : Ukrainian provocation or Russian assault?" (26th November 2018)
Link here
Didier Chaudet was interviewed by France-Soir about China's diplomacy in the Caucasus, and its impact on Russian-Chinese relations (16th October 2018, in French) 
Link to the article here
Nicolas Bizel was interviewed by Euractiv to talk about the consequences of the refugees crisis for Serbia, the role of the EU and the future of migration policy in this country - Link to the Article
Nicolas Bizel, Euractiv.com, 13 April 2018
Invited on the talk show "Dialogue", Didier Chaudet talks about CPEC, Pakistan-China relations, South Asian politics, and Pakistan, at the Pakistan Television Corporation - 15th November 2017
Click here to listen to the interview
Nicolas Bizel, EurasiaProspective, 02 June 2017
Didier Chaudet talks about the latest terrorist attack in Kabul, on May 31st, 2017, on France Culture here
Didier Chaudet, CulturesMonde, France Culture, 16th May 2017 (in French)
Didier Chaudet, Radio Vatican, 13th March 2017 (in French)
Didier Chaudet interviewed by France Culture, March 11th 2017, about the security situation in Afghanistan. Click dans le here to listen to the interview (in French)
Nicolas Bizel, Serbian Monitor, 3 march 2017
Didier Chaudet, interviewed by iTélé
26th April 2016
Didier Chaudet 
15th March 2016 (in French)
Mathieu Boulègue, head of the CAPE's Eurasian program, Sogdiane
12th February 2016